Everyone, not only when in school, needs - time to time - to convert between fractions, decimals, and percentages - in any way.
...but you can make jokes about it!
My music teacher told us once that he heard there was 1 Chinese person among 10 people. As there were 30 students in my class, he concluded, "Three of you must be Chinese!" =)
Leave the fact that by following data (I quickly checked on Google while writing this article), the Chinese world population is around 20%, not 10% (the joke my teacher made happened anyway a good few years ago, so it might've changed since) and let's have a look how could we use statistics besides making jokes thanks to it.
Since I've moved to the UK, I've been hearing same old thoughts "You're good at maths!" "You can teach A-level!" (I don't even mention I tutor university students, too.) "You have a maths degree!" And after that "You should teach maths! We need maths teachers here!"
Of course, you do. Everyone needs us. But why am I rather a maths tutor and not a maths teacher?
Woohoo! End of the term! Summer's ahead - six weeks of freedom!
Wait - what? You have a maths tuition next Monday...? Every week? What a nightmare!
Continuing the thought from last week, I've done a little bit of research. Not much, as the ants in my room (joys of living in rental places - luckily joys of the past, adds Veronika from the future while proofreading ten million years later her baby English... and those are joys of non-native English foreigners)... the ants were bothering me last week way too much to do anything besides thinking how far they can spread. It's not a good excuse, but it's still an excuse.
So let's see the proof first.
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